Strive for the Invisible (Pentecost 3B Epistle)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 3B Epistle.

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series B


Participants will grow in faith through the renewal of faith that comes through the hope of eternity in Jesus Christ.






Divide the students into two teams and assign one group the category of “better and better.”  Assign “worse and worse” to the other team.


  1. The team with “better and better” should answer the following questions:
    1. List five events that show the world is getting better.
    2. Name three people who make the world a better place.
    3. What basic trends do you see among your peers that make this world a better place?
  2. The other team should answer the following questions:
    1. List five events that show the world is getting worse.
    2. Name three trends that show the world is getting worse.
    3. How do you feel your generation will impact the trends you have noted during the next 20 years?
  3. Have both teams face each other and discuss their side of the statements. Only one person should speak at a time.


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 4:13-18.
  2. What are examples of those who are outwardly wasting away? (verse 16).
  3. Have you lost heart in living out your life as a Christian? (verse 16).
  4. Do you believe that challenges are momentary? What are some of the challenges of this life that you face that seem to be more than momentary, and seem to be present all the time?  (verse 17)


In the light of the world you live in, the school you attend, the person you are, what is the focus of your life?  (verse 18).


Close by having a volunteer take special prayer requests.  Let each student select one of the prayer requests to be responsible for praying about during the coming week.  Conclude by thanking God that he has fixed our eyes on himself and that Jesus is renewing and disciplining us to help endure the times of hurt and wondering.

by Timothy Klinkenberg

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 9, 1996.

Updated for youthESource in June 2015

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