Rap artist FLAME recent released a book through Concordia Publishing House that share his experiences and Lutheran theology. This review can...
Youth Ministry is challenging and as a youth leader, you may be burnt out and struggling. This open letter from Cassie Shermbeck is written ...
Youth and adults may have different ideas of what is engaging conversation. However, if we want to model faithful Christian relationships, i...
As youth workers, we need to remember that this cohort that experienced the COVID pandemic during their younger years experienced it differe...
Things change when you leave the honeymoon phase and settle into your first Call. And, that change may be hard and that’s ok. Here are som...
As a new church worker, it’s hard to navigate forming relationships within your congregation because you don’t know how to develop relat...
How do we continue to tell students that Jesus is good when the Church that purports to espouse His teachings, hurts people? Youth leaders s...
The Lutheran Youth and Adult Poll (formerly known as the Lutheran Youth Fellowship Poll) has been conducted every three years at LCMS Youth ...
Whether you are a paid-worker or a volunteer in ministry, the charge of ministry is draining. Healthy hobbies can be a great ally in ministr...
As youth leaders, it is essential to develop and maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life and doing so allows us to better ...
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