7 Practices discussion guide for warmth, challenge, and grace
Serving in youth ministry professionally or as a volunteer is a awesome vocation, but it can also be incredibly difficult. This article has ...
We continue to circle these three words that best describe what young people told us helped keep them attached to the church community: Warm...
It might be intimidating to lead or conduct a Bible study for youth. This article provides encouragements and recommendations to those who m...
We want to meet young people where they are at with the Gospel, but modern technology presents youth workers with an extra layer of challeng...
The experience of working with others, learning in an unfamiliar environment and adapting to new surroundings forces us to examine ourselves...
7 Practices discussion guide for live out their unique vocation
As youth workers we serve not out of some obligation, but out of a love for teenagers as image bearers of God. Likewise, we bring the Gospel...
Our Creator desires for us to be healthy—physically, vocationally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, the effects of sin on the world ...
Solutions for when a volunteer isn't the right fit or gets in over their heads.
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