This is a five part Bible study designed for High School youth.
Download the full pdf of the study here.
Opening Leader’s Notes
Anxiety is prevalent in our world today and can often feel disruptive to lives, plans, and relationships. But what is anxiety, really? Why does it seem to be showing up more and more in and around us? How do we help our youth wrestle with the weights of a world that does have very real challenges without being overcome with anxiety?
In these sessions will work through a theological and spiritual perspective of anxiety, fear, and worry. It will help youth gather tools for our mental health toolbox for the anxiety, worry and fear in all of us.
Session 1 – Fear, Anxiety, and Worry: The Mosquitos of Emotion
Theme passage – Genesis 3:1-7
A Word of Hope: I can have fear and firm faith in God.
Session 2 – Fear: Finding Safety in a Broken World
Theme passage – 2 Kings 6:15-19
A Word of Hope: God responds in my fear.
Session 3 – Anxiety: Attending to the Chaos Inside
Theme passage – Mark 6:45-56
A Word of Hope: Jesus walks with me in my questions and concerns.
Session 4 – Worry: Overthinking at Its Finest
Theme passage – 1 Peter 5; Hebrews 12:1-3
A Word of Hope: Jesus carries the baggage of life with me.
Session 5 – Caring for Others in Fear, Anxiety, and Worry
Theme passage – Acts 2:1-21 or Philippians 4
A Word of Hope: I am not alone in this life.
Other Notes
- The author used the ESV Scripture translation for this study unless otherwise noted.
- Thanks to Concordia Publishing House for allowing references and quotations from Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration and Emotions & the Gospel: Created for Connection[1]by the author of this study
- Consider putting each session’s “word of hope” on a sticky note or a colored index card for your students to take with them and post in their rooms or lockers or wherever to further instill the lesson each session.
- Specific notes for adult leaders in the sessions are in blue italics.
Download the full PDF of the study here.