Youth and adults may have different ideas of what is engaging conversation. However, if we want to model faithful Christian relationships, i...
As youth workers, we need to remember that this cohort that experienced the COVID pandemic during their younger years experienced it differe...
Whether minor or major, chronic health issues can impact a teen’s ability to participate in youth programming and even impair their relati...
Cancer can impact teens through friends, family, classmates, and teammates. Sometimes teens themselves get sick. This article is written by ...
Youth ministry means working to understand and appreciate youth culture. Heather discusses why it is important to listen and care for teens ...
Congregations should be thinking about how we help young people transition from their first Sunday school class through into adult ministry....
As we adjust to the new normal after the pandemic, we can see fewer people in our pews. So, what do we do to get people, especially young pe...
Nearly every church is aware that they need to support young people as they transition out of high school. There are other transitions, howe...
Helping young people with life-transitions is a blessing. As the church, we are in a wonderful position to speak into and assist in these mo...
Adults can sometimes feel teenagers are impossible to start a conversation with! In this article by DCE Joseph Hope-Hull, he shares three ti...
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