Expect the Unexpected (Advent 4B Old Testament)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Advent 4 Old Testament

Text:  2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Lectionary Series B


Participants will:

  1. See how God blesses His people with the unexpected.
  2. Identify areas in their own lives where they need to be open to God’s unexpected blessings.


Offering plate


  1.  Share with the group some of your family’s Christmas traditions.
  2. What was the most unexpected thing that has ever happened to you at Christmas?


  1.  Tell about a time when something that you had planned didn’t turn out the way you expected.
  2.  What kinds of plans do you have for your future?  How does God fit into those plans?
  3. Read 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16.  How do you think David felt?  How do you think Nathan felt?  What verses have the most meaning to you?  Why do you think this section of the Bible is read during Advent?
  4. Read Matthew 1:1.  Christ is the ultimate fulfillment to God’s promises to David.  What would be the ultimate fulfillment to your plans?
  5. Imagine how easy it would be to make plans and decisions if you had someone like Nathan who could bring you God’s immediate reaction to your ideas.  In what ways will you seek God’s blessing in your expectations and plans?  In what ways will you be open to the unexpected?


One thing I learned today is. . .

That will make a difference in my life because. . .


On a piece of paper, write down the plans that you talked about before.  Place them in an envelope and seal it.  Pass an offering plate around the whole group and give those plans to Christ.  If possible, place the envelopes on the altar as a symbol that you have put your future into God’s hands.  Close with a silent prayer.  Have the leader read Ephesians 3:20-21 out loud as your benediction.

by Kelly Bailey McCray

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 12, 1999.

Updated for youthESource in December 2014

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