When I Grow Up

This Bible study by DCE Emily Norman looks at questions youth ask as they prepare for life after high school, giving them a Scriptural foundation they can use as they make plans about college career, and life.

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In this four-part Bible study, we will look at five questions you might be asking yourself as you prepare for life after high school. Whether its leaving home, going to college, starting a new job, or experiencing some other change, these are all major transitions to endure in a short time. How can you be more prepared for the future? What does God have to say about His purposes for your life? These are five major questions to ask yourself. Along with those questions, we will look at a few Biblical characters who faced the same issues you face today regarding identity, vocation, timing, and relationships.

Part One: Who am I?

Who are you? Have you ever thought about whose are you? Being a child of God is the way we can identify ourselves in a chaotic and confusing world.

Part Two: What am I going to do now?

When Solomon became king, he had some big shoes to fill. David was one of the greatest kings in Israel. How could Solomon compare? Could he live up to the expectations of this role? In Second Chronicles, Solomon seeks Gods advice from the first moment of his reign and is blessed in his future.

God speaks to everyone differently. He spoke to Solomon directly, He spoke to Moses in the burning bush, and He sent an angel to Mary. Today, the best way to communicate with God is through His Word and by talking to Him in prayer. Listen to what He has to say to you in the Bible and ask for His wisdom when you are wondering what His calling is for you.

Part Three: When is “it” going to happen?

Similar to Solomon, Joshua was following in the footsteps of a great leader. His time was coming to lead Gods people into the Promised Land, but when would it happen? Would everything go as planned, or would everything go wrong? Joshua had to trust in God’s timing. He had to trust that God knew the best outcome for Joshua and the people’s current predicament.

Part Four: Where am I going? And who is going to help me?

Paul traveled all over the world, because he was called by God. But he didn’t have a plan or a step by step process, but lived each day, one at a time, going where God was calling him. A man who started out as a murderer of Jesus’ followers was now a follower himself. Without the support of the communities he traveled to, Paul would have had more difficulty in his journeys and the sharing of the Gospel. He built them up, but was also built up by the community of believers. No matter where you go, each of you can remember God’s purpose for you, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! Along the way, God provides the people and relationships we need to continue in this life and strengthen the body of Christ!

About the author

Emily is an avid writer and blogger, who is passionate about sharing stories and experiences that provide opportunities for interaction, growth and deepening faith in Jesus. Emily serves as New Programming Coordinator for KINDLE (www.kindleservantleaders.org). She received her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Dir. of Christian Education certificate from Concordia University Nebraska in 2008. Emily resides in Baltimore, MD, with her husband, Jack. You can connect with her at www.emilyphoenix.com.
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