Key conversations with students in the first month of college can set them up not only for success but a faithful walk with God! This articl...
Helping young people with life-transitions is a blessing. As the church, we are in a wonderful position to speak into and assist in these mo...
Our college students have been placed by God in relationships with so many new people in their vocation as student to be able to give reason...
For College Students, grades and academic achievement can easily become an idol. Read here some strategies to help them put that desire in t...
We have the joy and privilege to be there and walk with our students through some of the most formative years of their lives. Many of our hi...
Transitions such as graduation are critical moments where congregations and parents can support a young person’s relationship with Jesus a...
With the help of some wise and gracious 20-something friends, Shelly Schwalm offers some ideas for walking with college students in your mid...
The more you start sharing the story of how God has worked in youth ministry over the years, the more excitement, involvement, and support y...
How can you help high school students successfully transition into college life?
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