
We need to talk more openly and honestly about mental health, especially in the Church. Supportive adults can pause and educate ourselves and others about how to care for young people’s mental health in a Christ-centered way. Here are some practical ways to navigate & educate on mental health in your youth ministry.
Mental health concerns are a prominent part of the conversation in the lives of many people, so as youth workers, it’s important for us to understand the big picture and how it affects us both personally and professionally in our own ministry areas.
Because Jesus is the Resurrection, we can share in His resurrection from death.
a Bible study based on the movie Pay It Forward
Download a printable PDF of the Word One Bible Study for the Pentecost Gospel. Text: John 7:37-39 for Pentecost, Lectionary Series A Theme The Living Water is rooted in the Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit Objectives Participants will: learn that Jesus will gift his disciples with the Holy Spirit when the time comes. learn that […]
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