I Am An Echo: Devotions for Servant Event

Download a PDF of the 2017 Servant Event “I am an Echo” Devotions HERE.

About the theme

The theme “I Am An Echo” plays off one of the daily themes from the 2016 Youth Gathering. It points to Jesus as the perfect source, who lived a perfect life and died so we might have forgiveness. We are the echos of Jesus Christ, sharing His Gospel in what we say and do. But our echo is far from perfect. Yet, the Holy Spirit works in our service and vocation to share the love of God and to point back to the forgiveness we receive in Jesus Christ.

These devotions (along with the Bible studies with this same theme) are designed to help young people focus on the source of their faith and to consider how in living out their faith they are an echo of Jesus. In our vocations and service, God is at work helping us to echo love, mercy, and joy to others.

These devotion will focus on the text from Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is
any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – Practice
these things and the God of peace will be with you.

Daily Themes

In this series, five sections unpack different text from Philippians as we talk about the different ways we are an echo of Christ. It also includes an additional theme devotion that can be used to start the week.

Day 1: What is our Echo
Key Scripture: Philippians 1:9-10

Day 2: God of Peace is with You
Key Scripture: Philippians 2:13

Day 3: Learned, Recieved, Heard, and Seen
Key Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30

Day 4: Echo in a Crowded Room
Key Scripture: Philippians 2:15-16

Day 5: Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect
Key Scripture: Philippians 3:12-16

About the devotions

These devotions have been specifically created to be used during a five-day servant event and in conjunction with the Bible studies. The daily devotions are designed to provide a brief positive launch to a day of service together as groups are often anxious to get going and sometimes a little bleary-eyed in the morning.

These devotions are designed to be led by youth or adults as a start or during your service. In particular, they are designed to be easy to lead with little prep, even for teen participants. There is no separate leader guide.

There are also more developed Bible studies which are connected in theme to the “I Am An Echo”. These are designed to be used together with the Bible studies done for a deeper dive at the end of the day of service. You can find these Bible studies here.

Download a PDF of the 2017 Servant Event “I am an Echo” Devotions HERE.

About the author

Julianna Shults is a DCE serving a Program Manager for LCMS Youth Ministry. With a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Community Development, Julianna served congregations in Florida and Chicago. She writes for the Youth E-Source, co-authored Relationships Count from CPH and co-hosts the podcast End Goals. Julianna is a self-proclaimed nerd, coffee snob and obsessive aunt.
View more from Julianna

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