The Search for My Identity

“The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:7)

Our Real. Present. God. is with us and a fortress for us. God’s identity is made known through His actions. As God draws near to His people and protects us, we come to know who He is and what He does. God identifies Himself as our Real. Present. God.

This study, The Search for My Identity, dives into the topic of identity. These four sessions will encourage students to discover who they are in Christ Jesus, how God calls them to serve Him and His Kingdom, and consider what kind of legacy they want to leave behind. Removing all the superficial labels we put on ourselves, this study allows participants to see themselves and other races, tribes, and people the way God sees them.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handouts.

The session topics include:

  • Who Am I?: Identity is often formed by many different outside factors. This identity has a massive impact how we view ourselves. It is important, however, to get a picture of ourselves through God’s eyes and in Christ Jesus.
  • You Were Chosen: God calls His people to lives of purpose and service. Our identify is shaped by this calling. Discerning God’s call requires us to hear Him speak through His Word, let Him direct our lives, be willing to go where He call us, and trust His plans.
  • My Identity Influences my View of Others: How we view ourselves determines how we welcome others into our lives. Just as God opened Peter’s eyes to expand his work to Gentiles, God can open our eyes to see who He has placed in our lives for the purpose of sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus.
  • Can We Be All Things to All People?: God has given the church a mission to be His witnesses to all the ends of the earth. While we are not all trained to be evangelists, we are all called to be seed planters for the Kingdom of God.

As the people of Jesus, our identity is found in the person and promises of Jesus. Rather than our ethnicity, zip code, or accomplishments, our identity comes from our Real. Present. God. With our identity firmly fixed in Jesus, we are able to have fruitful discussions about ethnicity and diversity, differences and similarities.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handouts.

About the author

View more from B. Keith

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