The King in the Psalms

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10)

Scripture depicts our Real. Present. God. as all powerful and all personal. God commands us to be still and recognize His lordship. This verse shows how God is big and near, powerful and intimate. God is King ruling over His kingdom.

This study, The King in the Psalms, illustrates how the kingdom of God is an important theme running through the entire Bible. This five-session study explores how the Psalms point toward the hope of a Messianic King and unpacks how Jesus fulfills this hope. Participants will encounter God’s promises to send a Messianic King to save His people and rule over everything He had created. Students will gain a clearer understanding of how the Messianic Psalms reveal who Jesus is and what Jesus came to do.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handouts.
Download the pictures to be used in session 5

Listen to the accompanying podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or at KFUO.

The session topics include:

  • Introducing the King: This session introduces the biblical theme of the Messianic King. The Psalms offer a multifaceted picture of the King who is going to arrive on the scene and do some amazing things.
  • The King Rules Over Creation: This session highlights the authority the King has over creation. It will help students make sense of moments of awe and wonder at the beauty of creation as well as moments of confusion or grief over the ugliness of this fallen world.
  • The King Cares for the Lowly and Needy: This session explores the King’s concern for those in need. Students will consider how God’s people wait for Christ to return and make everything right and just.
  • The King Saves His People: This session highlights the King’s power to save His people from all enemies. Students will learn how the salvation of Jesus brings us deliverance from our enemies.
  • The King’s Kingdom Includes All Nations: This session depicts the extent of God’s kingdom, namely that the kingdom extends to all nations. Participants will see themselves as part of this expansive kingdom.

When we dig into the King’s kingdom in the Psalms, we find that it is bigger and better than any of us ever could have imagined! In Christ Jesus, we find refuge and strength in the eternal kingdom of our Real. Present. God.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handouts.
Download the pictures to be used in session 5.

About the author

Casey is the associate pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He is married to his high-school sweetheart, Beth, and they have three kids: Boaz, Adah, and Eliana. He loves to eat good food, make new friends, and cheer for all his beloved Wisconsin sports teams.
View more from Casey

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