Excuses, Excuses (Pentecost 6C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 6C Gospel.

Text: Luke 9:51-62 for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series C


Participants will:

  1. Teach that faith in Christ includes Christian responsibilities.
  2. Realize that God takes away fear and forgives excuses.





3×5 index cards


Divide students into three groups, giving each group a marker and piece of newsprint. Each group should think of a specific situation where they broke a rule. Write as many excuses as possible to fit the situation.


Discuss these questions:

  1. Why do we make excuses?
  2. How do people generally respond to them?
  3. Name some excuse makers in Scripture.
  4. What was God’s response to them?


  1. Each group should select one of the following Bible verses. They will act out the action that takes place.
  2. After each group is finished, have the audience answer the following questions about each passage.
  3. Read Exodus 4:1-16.
    1. What was Moses’ excuse? What was he afraid of?
    2. What was God’s response?
    3. How will God respond when we are afraid to share our faith?
  4. Read Luke 14:18-20.
    1. Have you ever heard these type of excuses before? In response to what?
    2. How will God respond to people who put money, work, people above faith in Him?
  5. Read Matthew 25:14-30.
    1. What was the last servant’s excuse?
    2. Share a situation in which you did not do or say something, because you thought it would not be good enough.
  6. Read Luke 23:24. Remind the youth that God forgives our sins, even our worst excuses.


  1. Read Luke 9:51-62. Ask the following questions:
    1. Do you make any excuses in your spiritual life? Why?
    2. Reread verse 62. What are the qualities of someone who is fit for service in God’s Kingdom?
  2. On a 3×5 index card, privately write down an excuse you make in your spiritual life. On the same side of that card, write down a specific way you can deal with the excuse.
  3. Write down qualities or gifts that God has given you, that make you fit for service in His kingdom?
  4. On the other side of the card, write a prayer asking for God’s help in overcoming excuses, or for strengthening your gifts.


Close with a prayer in the small groups. Ask each participant to pray the prayer he/she wrote on the 3×5 index card.

By Jim Henkell

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in June 2016

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