Christmas Dramas and Programs
Can’t X Christ out of Christmas, by Sarah Larson
It is easy during Advent and Christmas to lose focus on why and what we are celebrating. In the middle of this busy time, there are lots of voices pushing us to focus on gifts, trimmings, and celebrations, rather than on the Christ child Jesus.
Glory Be, by Sarah Larson
At Christmas a new definition of glory presented itself: all man all God with hunger and human hair and a heartbeat.
Born to Set Us Free, by Chad Huber
On a dark night filled with wonder, He is born to set us free.
Thy Perfect Light, by Chad Huber
It’s the most important story you’ll ever hear…because it’s His. His story. Our salvation.
Christmas Devotions
Christmas Through the Eyes of Angels by Pastor Ben Meyer
In this short Bible study, we think about Christmas from the perspective of the angels. Angels are fascinating creatures give us a new perspective of the God’s story of salvation as we approach the birth of Jesus.
This is Love, by LCMS Youth Ministry Office
On Christmas, we celebrate God sending His Love down to earth to take on human flesh and live among us.
The Miracle of Christmas, by Rev. Matt Hoehner
The miracle of Christmas is that by God’s grace we believe that the first Noel happened for us.
XMAS, by Rev. Matt Hoehner
Being “x-ed” out hurts, whether it’s being “x-ed out of a kickball game, a job, or a relationship… it hurts.
Heart’s Desire, by Rebecca Conner
I taste the Word and exclaim along with Jeremiah that it is my joy and my heart’s delight.
Christmas Bible Studies
The Glory in You, by Sara Borgstede
When the Lord’s glory shines in us, our lives show it!
Inns, Stables and Hearts, by Keith Loomans
God, in His love and care, generates and sustains our love for Him and our love, care and compassion for others.
Christmas Games
The Great Christmas Cookie Taste Test
Christmas Songs Unplugged
Snowflake Frisbee Toss
Middle School Event
A Pre-Christmas Party for Preschoolers
Christmas Worship
It Is Not Far To Bethlehem, by Dean Nadasdy