Shedding Light on the Light (Advent 3B Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Advent 3 Gospel.

Text: John 1:6-8,19-28 (focusing on verses 6-8) for the Third Sunday in Advent, Lectionary Series B


Participants will grow in their awareness and ability to shed light on Jesus through their daily walk of faith.


If you have a group of 12 or more, divide into groups of 6-8 according to the order of their birthdays following Christmas (the first six birthdays following Christmas being one group, etc.). The tallest person in each group will be the leader.

Participation from each person is important for the growth of the whole group; however, if someone does not feel comfortable answering a question he/she may choose to pass. One or two people should not “monopolize” the discussion. Groups should use the adult leader as a resource person.


  1. Tell about your favorite Christmas lights of all time. Where were they? What made them so special?
  2. Why are Christmas lights so fascinating to people?
  3. Share at least one way that you shed light in the lives of other people during this time of the year. (Example: Christmas caroling to shut-ins.)


  1. Read together as a group John 1:6-8. “He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light; but he came to testify to the light.”

John the Baptist was not the light but he shed the light on Jesus, the Light that lights up the world. We are not the light but through Jesus we can reflect His light. List on newsprint five ways we tend to shed the light on ourselves and make another list of five ways we can shed the light on Jesus so that other people might see Him as the Light in their lives. Which list was easier to put together? Why?

  1. Look up John 1:4. What does Jesus bring to us as “Light?” Think of one way Christ has brought light to you during this Advent season. (Example: Hearing Christmas music reminds me of God’s love for me in sending His only Son, Jesus, as a baby in Bethlehem.) How does that make you feel?
  2. Read Matthew 5:14-16. According to this passage, because of Jesus, we are lights of the world. What kind of light best describes how you would like to shed the light on Christ in your life?
    1. Floodlight
    2. Penlight
    3. Christmas light
    4. Candlelight
    5. (pick your own light)

Share the reason for your answer with the group.


  1.  Each person in the group list one thing about light that you learned today. Also share one thing about the “Light” in your life with the other members of your group.
  2. Gather as a large group and close with a sentence prayer. Each participant should complete this sentence: “Jesus, thank you for giving me light by…”

by Dave and Shelly Karolus

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 19, 1996.

Updated for youthESource in December 2014

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