
Webinar: Spiritual Preparation for Christian Young Adults

Whether you are starting college, finishing grad school, or working full-time, it can seem like you are the only Christian young adult in your zip code. It can be a challenge to stand firm in your faith when what you believe is attacked from all sides, especially if the criticisms come from someone you respect. You may admire the intellect of your professor, CEO, or supervisor, which makes it all the more difficult if they mock your Christian faith. Dr Joel Biermann address these concerns with incredibly practical insight and advice in Spiritual Preparation for Christian College Students, a one- hour webinar. Dr Biermann, professor at Concordia Seminary, will guide you through essential truths that give clarity and direction to your spiritual experience in any kind of academic setting.

This webinar was recorded live in June 2013 as a part of Lutheran Hour Ministries MISSION U School of Witnessing Special Speakers Series. It incorporates dual presentation windows so the video and synchronized powerpoint can be viewed at the same time. You can also watch the live chat that occurred during the presentation. Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering this webinar free of charge at

Having been a part of the live recording, I am totally impressed by how much I learned and how much I have used the information he presented. I can’t recommend this webinar enough. It’s only an hour, it’s free, and it’s good.

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