It was a dark time. Huddled in a cave with a bounty on his life, Elijah hid. He felt all alone in this fallen and broken world. The mountaintop experience was long gone. The prophet just wanted to die.
Dark times.
Have you been in those circumstances? A place in your life where you feel you are all alone. Nothing is going right today. Tomorrow doesn’t look much better. And God, the one whom you need most, is nowhere to be found.
The truth is that God has never left you. He is at work in your life right now even though you may not be able to see it. And yes, it may be difficult, but He is calling you to step out of the darkness and prepare your heart to listen and then to act. He is in control and He has a plan. You are not alone and you are not defeated. You can always find Him in those places He has promised to be: in His Word and in worship. He is there speaking His Word to us, forgiving our sins, strengthening our faith and feeding us His very body and blood, which will restore, renew and cleanse us.
The times may be dark for you right now in this period of your life, but the God of light is right there beside you. Hold this truth closely to your heart.
Lord, the dark times are hard. Sometimes I feel so alone and I’m ready to give up. Open my eyes, my heart, my entire life to Your light. Please wash me with your love and renew me with hope. Hold my hand and help me to walk through the struggles of this life. Amen.
Published January 2013