Many of us have asked this very question: “What should I do?” Maybe you are just starting out in the ministry, or maybe you have been in the ministry what seems like forever! But, if you are like me, one question always comes up… “What should I do?”
That’s the reason for my new blog. God has given us so many blessings. He has given us family and friends, homes, cars, jobs, hobbies, talents, abilities, and so many other things. God is so good to us, and the biggest gift He gives is our eternal salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So, living my life knowing and understanding that I am a saved and redeemed child of God, what should I do? What should I be doing and how should I live my life? I really believe that we are to be about three things… Serving, Loving, and Praising God! God has done so much for me that I am compelled to do these three things out of love and thanks to God.
In this blog, I hope I can give you many practical ways that you can begin or continue to serve, love, and praise God, both inside of the church and outside of the church. Living a life of victory isn’t always easy, but it is very rewarding. Please continue to come back and check out this blog as together we start this journey of Servin’, Lovin’, and Praisin’ this awesome God who has given us so much!
May God bless you as we begin Servin’, Lovin’, and Praisin’ Him!