In this Bible Study series we are going to be discussing some of the books of the Bible that we call “Wisdom Literature.”
Understand and appreciate the freedom that we have in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus in John 8:31-36
a Bible study about truth based on 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6
Searching for what is true in a world of filtered realities? Get familiar with the promises God makes to you. Here’s a few to get you star...
We don’t have to hide from God! The good news is that we can bring all of our real-ness—all of our hurts and pains, all of the scary stu...
a Bible study on speaking the truth in love using Ezekiel 2:1-5
A look at the tolerant relativism of American society. Christians teens need to take a stand for truth, with the help and by the power of th...
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