When you ask a young person, “who are you?” you’ll get a variety of answers. Many of them would probably be based on what they do (similar to adults’ answers). But other answers would also be either “I don’t know”, “I’m still figuring it out”, or “I’m not sure anymore”. Then these young people go to school, work, college, activities, relationships, etc. in order to find their identity and meaning. And that’s a dangerous journey to be on, because the world will give them all kinds of definitions of who they are, and I don’t like any of those answers. I would much rather a young person go to those places already knowing who they are, because then they’re free to share their source of identity and meaning.

This study is designed to help you do that. In this series you’ll look at Jesus’ identity through His seven “I am” statements in the Gospel of John, and in doing so, learn more about who you are as a result of who Jesus is. Identity is at the core of what we do in the church, because it’s the core of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. We are given a new identity as God’s dear, forgiven children and that changes everything!


Lesson One: I Am…The Door (John 10:1-9)
Lesson Two: I Am…The Vine (John 15:1-8)
Lesson Three: I Am…The Light (John 8:12)
Lesson Four: I Am…The Way, Truth, and Life (John 14:1-7)
Lesson Five: I Am…The Good Shepherd (John 10:14-16)
Lesson Six: I Am…The Life (John 11:21-27)

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Download the student handouts here.