Download a PDF of the Leader Guide to 2016 Servant Event “In Christ Alone, We Serve” Devotion and Bible Study Here.
Download the Participant Guide to 2016 Servant Event “In Christ Alone, We Serve” Devotion and Bible Study Here.
About the theme
The theme for the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering, “In Christ Alone,” is based on the apostle Paul’s book to the Philippians. The 2016 theme selection process began by first considering the LCMS’ triennial theme, “Stand,” in preparation for the upcoming celebration of the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. As LCMS Servant Events began planning for 2016, the decision was made to continue the tradition of carrying a single theme throughout the events of the LCMS Youth Gathering year. To that end, “In Christ Alone… We Serve” came to be the overarching theme for the 2016 National LCMS Servant Events.
“In Christ Alone … We Serve” is an important reminder to all of us, as servant event leaders and participants in faithful service, of the true work of Christ. All that we have, all that we believe and all that we are comes only through Christ alone. Because of God’s great love for
us, He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. This precious gift inspires us to live each day through the love, power, grace, mercy and joy that come in Christ alone.
Each person who attends your servant event or serves with you in your congregation or community comes with a different story — they are young and old, veteran servants and newbies, rejoicing and despairing, long-time Christians and those who haven’t heard the Gospel, strong and struggling, excited and scared, etc. It is our prayer that every participant will experience the gift of serving in Christ alone!
Daily Themes
The daily themes for this series of devotions and Bible study are taken from the book of Philippians. Here we explore the sub-themes of community, identity and humility. We also engage in the great joy that is an overarching theme in Philippians and in our lives in Christ.
Day 1: Joy in Community
Key Scripture: Philippians 1:3-11
Day 2: Joy in Suffering
Key Scripture: Philippians 1:12-26
Day 3: Joy in Humility
Key Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11
Day 4: Joy in All Circumstances
Key Scripture: Philippians 4:10-13
Day 5: Joy in Christ Jesus
Key Scripture: Philippians 3:7-14
About the Bible Studies
These Bible Studies have been specifically created to be used during a five-day servant event and in conjunction with the devotions in the same document. These are designed to center service work in God’s Word and keep the focus on the cross as people use their gifts, skills, and experience to care for others.
These Bible Studies and devotions can be used in other settings with a some adjustments. The devotions and the Bible Studies can also be used separately as needed.