“The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts.” (Psalm 46:6)
Social media is teeming with anger, envy, and rage. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are ever-present in daily life. Pornography, sexting, gossip, lies, and cyber bullying are real temptations. Yet, in the midst of this raging world of social media, we have a Real. Present. God. He utters his voice and this raging world ceases.
This study, Created to Connect, dives into the topic of digital media. These four sessions will help students navigate social media, technology, connecting with those around us, and connecting with God. Participants will discover ways to set technology down to have real connections with people and live social media lives that point to Jesus.
Download the Leader Notes PDF.
Download the Participant Handout PDF.
The session topics include:
- Unfiltered: When we really get to the heart of social media and technology, so many of us love it because we get to create and choose who we want to be. This session helps youth dig into the heart of social media and help them unfilter their filtered social media lives.
- Broken: The sins we bring before God are all real. Brokenness is not a joke. Digital temptation is all real and all hurts. This session navigates students through some of the difficult realities of social media to the beauty of God’s grace and forgiveness.
- #ConnectingUp: We are created to need connection and community with people and with God. This session challenges us to disconnect from technology and connect with God.
- #ConnectingOut: This final session helps students consider how technology might be used to strengthen relationships and be used as a tool to tell others about Jesus.
The struggles of social media are real and present. But, our God is real and He is present. In Christ Jesus, He knows the pain we feel. And He constantly reminds us that He is our Real. Present. God. He came to die for us. He overcome sin for us. He left the tomb empty for us. As long as we are connected to him, we are connected to eternal rest, peace, and life!