Sharing Jesus – Sharing the Faith

Download a PDF of the Sharing Jesus – Sharing the Faith Bible Study.

This series of four Bible studies on sharing faith (being witnesses to the Gospel in our lives) is designed to help teens overcome fears and give them a simple framework to share the hope that they have in Jesus Christ.

Session 1, “Why Share Your Faith” helps them to understand what God has done for them in Jesus, and that He uses ordinary people such as them to be salt and light to the world around them. The power to change hearts and lives is the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel. He simply asks people like us to be messengers of His Good News.

Session 2, “God’s Story” helps them review the basics of the faith—our condemnation under sin; our redemption through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice; the new life He has bought for us, including the gift of the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life; and the personal application of all His promises in Holy baptism.

Session 3, “Your Story” challenges them to see their lives through God’s eyes and be able to share how Jesus has made and makes a difference in their lives every day.

Session 4, “Seeing How God’s Story Colors My Story and Their Story” (I know, super long title…) gets them to examine how the Good News of Jesus applies to their friends who don’t know Jesus and challenges them to pray for ways to communicate the Gospel to those friends.

Take some time to read through both the leaders’ guides and the student pages well in advance of the teaching sessions. There are some suggestions in the guide to help the studies be more effective in your students’ lives. You might also think of other activities to add which would increase the impact.

Finally, this series might be used as a springboard to focus your youth ministry on outreach and witnessing, with regular prayer sessions and follow up during your activities.

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