First Assignment…Test (Lent 1C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Lent 1 Gospel.

Text: Luke 4:1-13 for the First Sunday in Lent, Lectionary Series C


Participants will:

  1. Better understand how the Spirit empowers us.
  2. Learn techniques for responding to temptations.



Chalkboard or newsprint


3×5 index cards

Poster board



If the group is larger than six, divide into small groups. List the answers and the comments on the chalkboard/newsprint.


  1. Go around the room and have each student tell their name.
  2. Have each student describe the hardest test they have ever taken and the result of that test.


  1. Discuss with the students the many ways that people react to temptations. List these on the board.
  2. Ask each student, what are some of the temptations and struggles that you face? List the answers on the board.
  3. Read Luke 4:1-13. Ask the following questions promoting further discussion with each and list answers on the board.
  4. Why was the Holy Spirit given to Jesus?
  5. Why was this test the first assignment for Jesus’ ministry?
  6. Do new Christians experience this same test?
  7. What temptations are represented in the tests that Jesus confronted?
  8. With the following questions, move beyond just giving the right answers to seeing how the Bible story relates to your own life.
    1. Do you experience some of the same temptations and struggles that Jesus confronted? Explain.
  9. Answer the following:
    1. How did Jesus respond to the temptations?
    2. What are some principles you could list to help you respond to temptation?
    3. What are some ways you can help others respond to temptations?


  1. Develop an acronym to remember the key principles. Display this acronym on the board in the room.
  2. Write down on a 3×5 index card one way to assist other people respond to temptations this week.


Review the acronym for responding to temptation. Close with a prayer asking God to guide and help you use these principles as a response to temptations.

By Matthew Kuschel

 Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in December 2015

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