The Lord will Provide (Lent 1B Old Testament)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Lent 1.

Text:  Genesis 22:1-18 for the First Sunday in Lent, Lectionary Series B


Participants will:

  1. Identify ways God provides for them.
  2. Make a connection between Isaac and Jesus as the sacrificial lamb.





Construction Paper




This Bible study is designed for groups of 5-7 people. The group leader will be the first person to correctly name Abraham’s son.


  1. Share a time when you needed something and God provided it for you.
  2. Discuss what possession would be the most difficult for you to give up.


  1. Read Genesis 22:1-18. (To add a little variety, ask for volunteers to act out the different scenes of the story.)
  2. Describe the relationship Abraham had with his son, Isaac. Given God’s command in verse 2, what reaction would you expect from Abraham?
  3. What does this story tell you about Abraham’s relationship with God?
  4. In verse 8, Abraham answers Isaac by saying, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” What New Testament connection comes to mind from this statement? (See also John 1:29.)
  5. Have each person of your small group identify one or two similarities between Isaac and Jesus. List these on a piece of newsprint and compare the different lists. (As an incentive, give the group with the most similarities a prize–candy, bookmark, pencil.) What do you learn from the examples of Abraham, Isaac and Jesus regarding faith in the Lord?


  1. Pass out magazines, construction paper, glue and markers to the small groups. Have half of the groups construct a collage which demonstrates earthly things which may be difficult to sacrifice (give up) for the Lord. The other half should construct a collage which demonstrates how God has provided for us. Have youth share their collages with the other groups.
  2. What active faith is God calling you to right now? In other words, how is God calling you to live out the faith He has given you? What are you willing to give up in order to act in faith? Where do you receive the strength to act in faith?
  3. Has God “given up” anything to provide for you? What was His cost?


Have the small groups come back together in a large circle for prayer. Place the collages in the center of the circle and have the youth thank God for providing for their needs and ask for help in giving things up for Him.


Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 12, 1999.

Updated for youthESource in February 2015

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