
Bible Study: Noah – God’s Crazy Request

This one-part Bible study considers the faith of Noah and teaches us truths about God’s character.
Topics: Biblical Case Studies, Faith
Water Challenge
This activity can be done individually or have everyone in the group find one partner. Ask each individual/group to name every activity they can that includes water. The list can range from brushing teeth to white water rafting. After one-minute, have each person count the activities. The person with the longest list can win a small prize, such as a piece of candy or a hug. Compare lists to see how many different activities total the group was able to list.
Check it out
Say: When water enters our world in large amounts it tends to be a problem for most people. Think about the activities we listed. We try to control the water in our world with on and off switches, but sometimes we can see very clearly that God controls water. How many of you have ever lived through heavy rains or
flooding? Has your basement, home or crawl space ever been flooded? What happens when it floods? Today, we are looking at the story of Noah.
Read: Genesis 6:1-22.
  • Why did God regret making man and want to destroy His creation? (the people of earth were evil in God’s eyes)
  • Why was Noah chosen to build the ark? What do we know about Noah from the text? (he found favor with God, he was a righteous man, he walked with God)
  • What are God’s specific instructions to Noah? (v. 14-21- make a list on a dry erase board or paper)
  • What was Noah’s response to God’s instructions? (v.22 he did all God commanded)
Say: God was very specific in the man He chose to accomplish His task. What do you think could have been going through Noah’s head? What do we learn about Noah’s personality and character in verse 22?
Read: Genesis 7:1-24.
Say: Let’s think about the power of water for a minute. Water can be a very dangerous natural element in our world. Consider the damage that can be done by just one inch of water or one foot of water, or more. Think about all the activities we listed. In each activity, we are trying to control water or keep ourselves safe from water (faucets can be turned on or off, life jackets, rafts, boats to keep us floating, learning to swim).
  • In verse 16, we read that Noah and his family followed God’s command and “the Lord shut him in.” What do you think that would have sounded and felt like? What sort of other sounds do you think Noah and his family heard? (loud seal being place on ark, all the animals making noise, the sounds of other people banging on ark in mockery or to be saved, the ark could have shaken from the seal)
  • Has anyone ever been on a cruise ship? What was it like the first time you boarded the huge ship? Did you have doubts it would float?
  • What is the longest stretch of time that you have seen it rain? How does it make you feel to have multiple rainy days in a row?
Read: Genesis 8:1-21, 9:8-16.
  • If you have learned about this story before, is this how you remember it or did it seem like a happier story?
  • There is a lot of death in this story and God really comes down hard on His people. Why did God choose to destroy the people he created?
  • How does God show His grace and mercy in the story of Noah?
  • How does God remind His people how much He loves them in the story of Noah?
  • How do you think the story of Noah points to Jesus?
Say: The story of Noah is not a happy children’s story like it is often remembered. We see God’s wrath for the people He created. We also learn a lot about God through this story. What character qualities do we learn about God through His crazy request of Noah?
We learn that God is ultimately in control of everything on this earth. How does that make you feel?
The story of Noah may be a serious story; however, we see God’s grace and mercy throughout Noah’s life. As we look at our own lives, we can be thankful that we have a grace-filled God, who loves His people.
Close with prayer.
 Father God, thank You for the story of Noah and the life that You gave him and his family. We know that we continually disappoint You through our sins, but we thank You that our story does not end. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness You give to us each day through your Son, Jesus Christ. It is in His name we pray, Amen.
Published August 2013

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