Jedi Training Devotions
These devotions tap into the Star Wars mythos in order to creatively engage youth in discussion on what it means to be a disciple for Jesus.
The Light Saber of the Spirit
Text: Ephesians 6:10-18
DVD Clip: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Set-up: As Luke plows through the trenches of the Death Star in his X-wing fighter the voice of Obi-Wan calls upon Luke to remember to use the “force” in his run to destroy the Empire’s global-killing machine.
Discussion Questions:
- How does a Jedi Knight use his powers and weapons to help maintain peace in the galaxy? Why is such force (not the Star Wars “force”) necessary at times?
- What “Death Stars” threaten to destroy the world of the Christian?
Read: Ephesians 6:10-18.
- What types of “flaming arrows” of temptations does the Devil zing at youth today?
- List the different types of defensive weapons that are available to the disciple in his/her battles with the power of darkness. Why is each one important?
- It has been said that Jesus won the war and the skirmishes we face are clean-up battles. What is meant by all of this? How was Good Friday and Easter a significant part of winning the war?
- It has been said that to put on the armor of God is to put on Jesus. What do you think is meant by this? How might this be connected to Baptism?
- Luther said that we should daily remember our Baptism. In what ways might this connect to a daily putting on of the armor of God?
Heavenly Father, thank you that through Jesus the war has been won! Help me in my daily battles against the powers of darkness that I may be able to stand in faithfulness as your disciple by the might of the Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen!