
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: Cans for Jesus

We are very blessed at our congregation to have a food pantry. Each year we feed over 10,000 people out of our pantry.. that’s right…more than 10,000 people each year come into our church and receive a grocery sack full of food as well as the Gospel message of Jesus Christ!

Every day the pantry is open, guests come in and meet with our Care Ministry Director. She discusses with them where they are at both in their life and their walk with the Lord. She shares with them Jesus’ words of love and forgiveness and also reads Scripture with them and prays with them. Also, when appropriate, we gift them with a Bible or devotional book. So, not only are we feeding the hungry, we are feeding the Spiritually hungry as well!

Our pantry is supported by donations from our generous members and friends. It is also supported by other organizations that either donate food to us or sell it to us at a very deep discount. One of those organizations is called Foodshare and every year they do a community wide event called Can-a-thon.

The Can-a-thon is promoted by many of the major businesses in the community, including the television and radio stations as well as the newspaper and grocery stores. One Sunday a year, youth groups, church groups, and individuals go out into the community and collect non-perishable food items that in turn are donated to the local food pantries.
I bring this up because I have found that some of the greatest servant projects you can do are ones right in your community! No matter where you live, there are people who can’t afford as much food as they need. Wherever you live, there are people who have fallen on hard times and they need help. Our youth group not only participates in the Can-a-thon, but we also go out into the community a few other times in the year to collect food from our neighbors for our pantry. This not only gets our kids and our congregation out into the community, but it lets our kids know that there are many people in the world who have very little. It’s a great lesson for them because they are learning that they have been given much, so they should give much as well!
Whether it’s collecting cans for the needy, or another project or cause, I encourage you to get out into your community and help. There are so many people that need help and encouragement and you can be the one who brings hope to them, and that is the certain hope we have in Jesus! Today He is calling us to serve, love, and praise Him in our communities!
May God bless you as we continue Servin’ Lovin’ and Praisin’ Him!
Published April 2011

Published April 12, 2011

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