
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: All We Need is Love

Valentine’s Day brings out a lot of emotions for people. For some, it is a day of love and romance. But, for others, it is a day of feeling sadness or of feeling empty, as they might not be romantically involved or connected to anyone. But, whether you are married, engaged, dating, or single, it is important for you to know that you are LOVED! You are loved by family and friends and most importantly, by the Lord God Almighty!

I have been thinking and talking a lot lately about loving God and loving our neighbors. The Commandments are broken down into two basic things–we are told by God to love Him, and to love our neighbors.

As the Lord says in 1 John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God!” So, to those people in your life that you love– tell them! To those people who you are upset with–make up with them! And, to your God who loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you–tell Him and show Him how much you love Him!

I tell you this because your youth are watching you. NBA Hall of Fame player Charles Barkley once famously said that he wasn’t a role model. But he was wrong and we are wrong if, as youth workers, we think youth are not looking to us as examples and role models. They are watching, so make sure they see someone who is loving God and loving others.

Not only live your life as an example, but show your youth that you love them as well. Go out of your way to help your youth know that they are loved. And in turn, help them to show that love through service in and outside of the church.

The Beatles sang, “All you need is love!” My friends, that is true! All you need is God’s love through Jesus, and all you need to do is love Him and show His love to others! Unfortunately, so many youth in the world are lonely, frustrated, and depressed. It is our awesome privilege to try and help them. Why don’t we start helping these kids see that “All they need is love!”

May God bless you as we continue Servin’ Lovin’ and Praisin’ Him!
Published February 2011

Published February 23, 2011

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