Devotion: Complete Trust: Can You Do It?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Tandem skydiving. A good lesson in trust. Someone you just met, with a fair amount of experience in skydiving, harnessed so close, so tightly to you, you can hardly move. You’re now 14,000 feet in the air and the door of your airplane is wide open. Are you nuts?! You jump. You’re falling, falling so fast the skin on your face is flapping around in the wind. The parachute is pulled. You’re descending slowly, and now you’re in a cloud, literally; it’s beautiful. Your ears are popping which is annoying but the beauty surrounding you is helping you forget about that. The person you jumped with is right behind you questioning how you’re doing, what you think–you come in for a landing and your new found friend harnessed to you is unhooking your harness. Your enthusiastic response Can we do that again?!

Every morning you meet God. You see a new side of God that you hadn’t known about. You glimpse a piece of God in a colleague, youth, friend. He’s hooked you up to his harness. You’re not sure what the day’s going to bring, sometimes you don’t even want the day to begin just yet. God is there, asking you to move with Him, to jump. You do and it’s scary/exhilarating all wrapped up in one. You trust that God is going to pull that parachute. When He does it’s breathtaking. He’s pointing out people pieces of His creation situations that He’s working in. He’s asking you “How are you doing?” You’re just so happy to have Him so close. He knows exactly what He’s doing. You’re coming in to land. He steers exactly to where you needed to land. He goes to unhook the harness and you respond. “Can we go again?!” He laughs and says, “It’s time for you to sleep, I’ll still be here, have your harness ready in the morning.”

Get your harnesses ready–it’s time to meet God and stay close to Him. We don’t need any loose harnesses, stay close to Him. Start your day getting to know Him and then JUMP! Trust Him. Complete trust: it’s hard to do but worth every minute. Trust me I mean Trust God.

Lord, I haven’t trusted you with all things. You know my heart; you know what I’m holding back from you. I’m giving it to you now Lord. I trust you. Help me to always do that. I love you. Amen.

Published October 2008

Published October 3, 2008

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