
Skit: The REAL Youth Group

This short skit helps elucidate the dichotomy that often exists within a youth program. Who has a “real” youth group? What does it mean to be “real” in youth ministry? You may be surprised by the answer.
You can download a PDF version of The REAL Youth Group. If you use it, let us know in the comments!
Themes: Youth Group


#1: Female Interrogator
#2 Male Suspect
#3 Male Interrogator
#4 Female Suspect


Two small tables and two chairs for each Interrogator/Suspect pair.

The scene opens with tables on opposite sides of the stage area. #2 and #4 are each seated at one of the tables, facing the audience. #1 and #3 standing. #3 and #4 are frozen as #1 and #2 begin:
#1: (Rapidly firing questions, impatient and tough.) So, what’s the name of this group?
#2: (Apologetically and ashamed.) Uh, it’s called youth group.
#1: Where do you meet?
#2: (Defensive) Hey, I don’t meet there all the time. It’s at that church on Fifth. Calvary

Lutheran, you know? We meet about twice a month. (#1 and #2 freeze.)

#3: (Less rapid-fire than #1, less intense.) And you call this group…
#4: (Confidently)Youth group. It’s at Calvary Lutheran Church. We meet twice a month.
#3: Only twice a month?
#4: Well, everyone in the group meets twice a month, but we have other activities too.
#3: Like…
#4: Bible study and church dinners and small group activities. (#3 and #4 freeze.)
#1: What do you do at these meetings?
#2: Man, we play games and drink soda. Sometimes, somebody brings chips.
#1: You just sit around and play games? I don’t believe you. What’s the point?
#2: I don’t know. It’s just a place to hang out. (#1 and #2 freeze.)
#3: So, do you have a lot of Bible study?
#4: Yeah, that’s a main focus.
#3: What’s another focus?
#4: Growing together. Making friends. Forming a community. (#3 and #4 freeze.)
#1: (Snide, disbelieving.) You just hang out?
#2: Yeah, that’s it.
#1: You’re lying to me! (Bangs hand on table and gets in #2’s face.) Tell me the truth.

#2: (Jumps up from table to get away from #1.) That is the truth! We don’t do anything important.
(#1 and #2 freeze.)
#3: And sometimes you do special things in the summer?
#4: Yeah, like last summer we went to Mexico and built a house.
#3: To Mexico? You had to go to Mexico to find someone to help?
#4: Well, we do things for people around here too, like babysitting and helping the our retired

church members with yard work or whatever they need.

#3: Interesting. And there’s a leader for all of this?
#4: Yeah, __Insert Director’s Name Here___, the youth director.
#3: What does __NAME__ do?
#4: Oh, arranges activities and Bible studies. __NAME__ is in charge of it all. (#3 and #4 freeze.

#1 walks from the table, turning her back to #2. #2 settles back into his seat)

#1: And __NAME__ is like the mob boss?
#2: Well, __NAME__ is in charge. Sometimes (s)he organizes games and brings soda.
#1: Brings soda? Come on. Fess up. What does (s)he make you do?
#2: Nothing! Well, ok, sometimes (s)he makes us play really stupid games like tag or sardines, but nothing important.
#1: (Faces #2.) We have a friend of yours in the next room giving us a different story.
(#2 stares straight ahead, silent.) Well? What do you have to say to that?
#2: I don’t have any more to say. I don’t know what she’s telling you but I didn’t do anything. We

just hang out. (#1 and #2 freeze.)

#3: You know, that’s not what he says, your friend next door. He says that you don’t do anything

but play games and drink soda.

#4: Really? That’s odd. He was even at Bible study last week.
#3: You saw him there?
#4: Yeah, we prayed together. He led the prayer. (#3 and #4 freeze.)
#1: Last chance. (#2 looks down at the table. #1 looks away disgusted. #1 and #2 freeze.)
#3: So your purpose is to grow together as a family by Bible study and serving others?
#4: Yeah, we grow as Christ builds us up.
#3: Well, I see what is happening here. Thanks for your time.

Published March 1, 2006

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