Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study: The Divine Father’s Business for Christmas 2A Gospel. Text: Luke 2:41-52 for the Second...
It can be hard to ask for forgiveness for your sin, especially within our family. This second devotion in the Community series helps us thin...
God calls on us to honor the gift of individuals that He has placed in the lives of others.
When we covet what God has given to our neighbors, we hurt them and their use of that gift in the way God intended.
Plastered all over the media are stories related to life issues. How are we to respond as Christians?
Now, because of Jesus, the Sabbath is not one day a week, but our entire lives in Christ. His forgiveness is yours every second of every day...
God gave the commandment to "worship Him alone" as the first since it teaches us to understand the foundation and source of our eternity and...
Respect is no longer something that is given; it must be earned. This mindset is difficult enough to address on its own. When you add corrup...
On the second commandment, "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord our God."
Have I ever stretched the truth, told half the truth, rearranged the facts, or told a tale about “the one
that got away”? Because if I h...
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