Life in All Things: A Study about Service and Mission

Download a PDF of the Leader’s Guide here.

Download a PDF of the Participant Guide here.

The Christian view of being “pro-life” is far more than just being anti-abortion or against euthanasia. Our “pro-life” attitude is really a reflection of our Life in Christ. This four-part study aims to give a top-down approach to our theology of life – from creation to the fall, to salvation, and onward and outward to our vocation and service to others. It seeks to show that rather than being a political view, a Christian’s pro-life-ness stems from where he stands before God.

We have a God that loves life, in its many forms, and while we may not feel comfortable marching for life or advocating in political circles, we can realize that by living as Christ calls us to live, we are showing what life is meant to be.

“In All Things” as the theme for the 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering allows for a broader discussion of everything relating to the Christian life. The following four studies are meant to expand upon students’ understandings of what life is.

  • The first lesson focuses on compiling our Lutheran understanding of a “theology of life,’ letting Scripture tell us what we need to know. We will learn how God sees life and why we adhere to His descriptions about life and living.
  • The second study focuses in on Jesus Christ’s Incarnation and how that has changed the course of human life and what Christians can truly say about living.
  • The third study will focus on suffering in the midst of life. We know that sin causes these things but what can be done about it? This lesson discusses faithful suffering and the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
  • The fourth lesson will be about vocation and service towards others. Having been formed by a theology of life, redeemed by Christ to live a new life, how do Christians live? Why do Christians seek to serve?

Developing a “theology of life” is not meant to be only an intellectual exercise. The life we have been given in Christ is not one that we hide away. We treasure it, of course, but the best witness we can give to a world that despises life is to live according to the Word of God and share Christ with our neighbor.

These lessons have four devotions that run parallel to the Bible study. These are designed for you to use if you meet multiple times a week or for you to share through email or social media in between lessons.

Download the Leader’s Guide here.

Download the Participant Guide here.

About the author

Emma Heinz currently serves as a Deaconess Intern for LCMS Life Ministry and LCMS Youth Ministry. She is a recent graduate of Concordia University Chicago and currently is enjoying the seminary wife life as her husband, Ben, continues his studies at Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
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