Top 10 Things to Remember Before Your Servant Event

Top 10 Things to Remember Before Your Event

Hoping to host a servant event? The preparation months, weeks, and days ahead of time will help the event run smoothly and let participants focus on the Gospel as they care for others.

10. Send out Pre-Event Bible Study to groups.

9. Pray for the Servants who will be attending as well as the people you will be serving

8. Prepare all Bible study materials (booklets, activities, pens, other materials, etc.).

7. Contact Adult Leaders about using their special talents and the talents of the youth participants they are bringing.

6. Contact local media for coverage for the week.

5. Material check list – Gather supplies for Community Life Activities. (Plan more activities than you will use and activities that take different lengths of time.)

4. Make sure that materials are delivered to the work site and that sites are ready for work.

3. Contact off-site activities to be sure every thing is set.

2. Have all housing and transportation of Servants to sites lined up.

1. FOOD, FOOD & more FOOD!

Compiled by the LCMS Servant Event Committee: Rev. Barry Akers; Shelly Carlson; Linda Gage; James Lohman, DCE; Randy Ronning, DCE; Leah Sallach

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