Death to Life (Easter A Epistle)

Download a printable PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Easter Epistle.

Text: Colossians 3:1-4 for Easter Day, Lectionary Series A


Participants will:

  1. Identify the connection between their Baptism and Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.
  2. Rejoice in the relationship God gave them when they were baptized.
  3. Encourage one another to live as Christians with the hope of eternal life.

Materials Needed


Sheet of 8″ x 11″ paper

Marker or crayon

Group Guidelines

Divide into groups of 6-8 people. Choose as leader the person who got up the earliest on Easter morning. The leader’s job is to keep the group moving through this material and make sure everyone has an opportunity to share. Although participation is the key to the effectiveness of this study, individuals have the opportunity to pass if they do not feel comfortable sharing a response.

Building Community

  1. Have each participant tell what day they were baptized, how old they were and how much they remember.
  2. Have each participant answer one of these statements:
    1. When I see a person baptized I…
    2. When a person dies I…
    3. When I am at a funeral…

Getting into Scripture

  1. Since Easter is the most important day in the church year, finish the following statement and share your answer in your group. Easter is most important to me because…
  2. Have the youngest person read Colossians 3:1-4. Discuss with one another what it means for you to have been raised with Christ.
  3. Have the person who lives closest to church read Colossians 1:13-14. Have the person who lives farthest from church read Romans 6:3-7. Then finish one of these sentences and share your answer in your group.
    1. When I hear that “God has rescued me,” I feel…
    2. When I hear that I “was baptized into Christ’s death” I think…
    3. When I hear that I “have been united with Christ in His death” I feel…
    4. When I hear that I “will be united with Christ in His resurrection” I think…
  4. The D.A.R.E. program and others teach youth to “Say NO to drugs.” The Apostle Paul wrote, “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Share with each other some of the things you do to set your mind on things above.
  5. The Apostle Paul wrote similar advice to the Christians at Philippi. Have a volunteer who hasn’t read today read Philippians 4:8. Because Satan loves to tempt us to think and do negative things please finish the following sentence and share it in your group. “When I am tempted I will…”

 Reinforcing What Has Been Learned

  1. Martin Luther recognized that Baptism was not a one-time event but an ongoing daily activity in the life of a Christian. Test your memory and fill in the blanks of Baptism, Part IV “what does such baptizing with water indicate?”
    “It indicates that the _______ Adam in us should by _______ contrition and repentance be _______ and die with all ___________ and evil desires, and that a __________ man should emerge and arise to live before _________ in righteousness and purity ____________.”
  2. When you were baptized, God connected you with Christ’s death and resurrection. Your sins were there when Jesus died on the cross. Your Baptism has set you free to set your mind on God and heavenly things. How can you use your Baptism to help you every day?
  3. Take your sheet of paper and marker/crayon and copy Colossians 3:1. Pass your papers around your group. Each person should write a phrase or sentence of encouragement on each person’s paper.


The group leader should lead the closing prayer and include any special prayer requests and thank God for Easter and for Baptism.

by Robert Gehrke

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 8, studies on the Epistle readings for lectionary series A, in 1995.

Republished and revised in March 2014 for youthESource.

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