Devotion: Keep Your Vocation Wheel Turning

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

There are 4 primary areas of vocation: Faith, Family, Work and Community. Every person, no matter if we are single or married, have children or not, retired or in the work force, child or adult, has tasks and callings from God in each of these areas.

Stop for a minute and consider the areas of vocation. What tasks do each of us currently have in the 4 areas?





Graphic created by Rev. Michael Borgstede. Used with permission.

Graphic created by Rev. Michael Borgstede. Used with permission.

Think of vocation as a wheel with 4 spokes. The more we are able to keep the spokes even, the more easily the wheel will turn. Keeping the areas even does not require equal time on the clock. Depending on the stage of our life, we might have one area that is much stronger than another. Still, we have callings to all the areas throughout our lifetime. If we have too much energy going into one area, we might find we are getting burned out and unfulfilled. Let’s consider new ways God may be calling us to shift focus.

An important aspect of vocation is receiving. If others around us are to live out their vocations, we need to receive what they give us. If we are trying to run the show or do it all, we are not letting them live out their callings from God.

Lord God, thank you for the beautiful way you have created our world. You have called each of us to work within all you have created. Allow me to serve you as you designed, and let me step back and give other people a chance to serve, too. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


An excellent Lutheran resource about vocation: God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith.

Published May 21, 2015

About the author

Sara Borgstede is a triathlete, motivational speaker, and writer who has lost over 100 pounds. Her husband Mike is a pastor at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Aurora, CO and they are parents to 5 kids through birth and special needs adoption, and were foster parents to over 35 children. Sara's blog, "Balancing in the Holy Mess" at keeps her readers inspired and laughing.
View more from Sara

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