Waiting Advent Devotions: Joseph

For while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.  (Romans 5:6)

An Old Testament character who had to wait was Joseph.  Now there’s more than one example in the Bible of how Joseph had to wait.  But today let’s think about the time when he was unjustly accused by Potipher’s wife and sent to prison.  He had no idea how long he would be there.  But what did he do?  Did he sit around on the cold, hard stone whining, “Woe is me!”  He may have done some of that initially.  (He was human, after all!)  But the Bible tells us (Genesis 39 and later, if you’d like to study it), that “the Lord was with him.”  The Lord granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden so that he put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and all that was done there.  Joseph helped a cupbearer, who later was part of the process of Joseph’s release years after his unfair imprisonment.  Before long, Joseph had great responsibility in Egypt and God used him to save the lives of many.

What can we do while we wait for Christ to come again?  We know the Lord is with us, as He was with Joseph!  We can help people along the way as Joseph did, using the gifts and abilities God gives us.  Romans 5:6 (ESV) reminds us:  “For while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.”  We are weak and any good we do is only because of God at work in us.  Sometimes we work from a position of power and sometimes from a place of weakness.  What a comfort to know that God can work through us any way He desires.  And He does it all in His perfect timing!  Let’s ask Him to work through us now.

Prayer:  Lord God, sometimes we question why things happen the way they do.  We may be overwhelmed by the injustices of the world.  We may wonder if You are with us.  But we know the truth of Your Word.  We know that You work all things together for good to those who love You.  Help us to trust in Your perfect timing.  Thank You for saving us!  Please work through us to accomplish whatever You know is best.  We pray in the strong name of Jesus our Savior.  Amen.

Published December 17, 2014

About the author

Tawn Bueltmann, a Seward graduate, has served the Church in a variety of ways…. as a Lutheran school teacher, Director of Music, camp Ministry Assistant, and volunteer. She and her husband Kevin have four children. Tawn is blessed to be a “Lyme disease survivor.” Whether supporting her husband in his work, being a stay-at-home mom, working as a paid church worker or as a volunteer, Tawn has found great joy over the years in “serving the Lord with gladness.”
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