Using Word One Studies

Word One Bible Studies are a collection of studies based on the lessons for each Lectionary Series. We are working on creating studies for every Sunday of the church year and for some festivals, allowing you to explore with youth the same texts that are heard in worship on Sunday morning.

Word One Bible Studies provide relational, group Bible studies in which participants have the opportunity to learn from each other. Although these studies do not provide the framework for deep biblical inquiry, they help participants focus on the meaning of God’s Word active in their lives. As participants move into the Word, they are encouraged to build relationships; to examine priorities, values and beliefs and to publicly share how God is present in their world.

Explore these studies and use them where they meet the needs of the youth you are serving. As you use and adapt these studies, we pray that God uses them and you to open doors for the Spirit. May God bless the work of the Spirit as His people discover, share and grow!

Several of the Word One Bible studies have previously been published in the Discovery Bible Study series. New studies will be written to reflect changes to the lectionary.

Selecting the Appropriate Study

Word One Bible studies are available for the Old Testament, Epistle and Gospel readings for each Sunday of the church year, but which one is really right for your group? First, in selecting a study, keep in mind the group and its members’ individual concerns and needs. Read the objectives given for the studies. Does the objective reflect the needs of your group? Second, feel free to revise and adapt studies for your group. Although these studies are copyrighted, you may copy and adapt studies for local use without permission.

Use of Small Groups

Small groups (up to eight people) are used in Word One Bible studies to help build an atmosphere of acceptance and caring. The small group makes it easier to share insights and to interact with each other. However, the small group, as any group, should be helped to respect the individual’s right to pass on selections where the individual may be uncomfortable sharing with others.

Bible Study Facilitator

The role of facilitator is crucial in providing a smooth, encouraging study. This does not mean identifying someone to lead the study step-by-step, but rather a person who can assure that the study opportunity and materials are available to participants. As facilitator, there are some points to keep in mind:

1. Provide adequate materials (Bibles, pencils, studies, etc.)

2. Check the facility you will be using. Is it comfortable? Will you be using chairs, the floor, etc. for seating? Is there adequate space for movement?

3. Organize the groups and help them become acquainted with one another. Work at building an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Explain the role of the small group leader and be sure each group has identified who their leader will be.

4. Begin the study with prayer, asking the Spirit’s guidance in discovering the truth and meaning of Scripture.

5. Pace the groups through the study. Encourage them, if necessary, to continue to the next item when they seem to be caught on one item. Be prepared to clarify the questions or concerns they may have about the study. Be ready to encourage each group, being sensitive to each group’s uniqueness and their ability to discover at their own pace.

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