Bible Study: Living Love(d) Together Bible Study Parent Resource

Download a PDF of the Living Love(d) Together Bible Study Parent Resource.

Introduction to Parent Resources

Why resources for parents? You might be asking yourself why the Gathering planners have taken the time to develop resources like this Bible study for parents to use individually or in groups. If you are, good question! Research on faith development in teens is nearly unanimous in pointing to the role of the parent(s) as the most fundamental of all roles. Pastors, DCE’s, and other youth leaders spend a few hours a week with your son or daughter. We at the Gathering have the privilege of connecting just once every 3 years. As parents, you impact and shape their lives on a daily basis. We have developed this and other parent resources to equip and support you as you LiveLove[d] as a family in your home, community, and church. This is our way of walking beside you before and following the Gathering as you live the love of Christ as you fulfill your role as parent.

An Intro Living Love[d] Together

In the coming weeks or months, your son or daughter will hopefully be working through the Living Love[d] Together Bible Studies ( ) based on the wonderful classic by Dietrich Bonheoffer Life Together. For those of you who are able, I would certainly recommend that you pick up a copy of the book ( has it for $7.60 as of this writing). For those of you for whom it is not realistic to add the reading of such a book to your already busy schedule, please take the time to peruse this resource to help you to get a general understanding of Bonhoeffer’s understanding of our life together in Christ.

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