
Bible Study: Don’t Blame God

This one-part Bible study walks through Scripture passages to use when talking about issues of continuing in sin, homosexuality, or other issues that society deems acceptable.

Topics: Forgiveness, Homosexuality

Download a PDF of the Don’t Blame God Bible Study.
This Bible study is geared to walk through Scripture references that can be used when talking about original sin, issues of continuing in sin, homosexuality or other issues that society has deemed acceptable because “God made me that way.” We live in a fallen, sinful world that approves of and considers normal the ideas of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, elective abortion and so many other things. However, God’s Word alone stands as the final authority regarding His will, and the love of God found in Christ Jesus, even for us who have been born into sin and a sinful world, cannot be underestimated.
 The subject matter of this Bible study can easily get out of hand. It is important that you, as the leader, keep the focus on God’s Word and what He has to say about sin and redemption through His Son Jesus Christ. This is not a Bible study trying to discuss whether people might actually be genetically inclined toward one issue or another, but instead looks at how we can speak to these with the Law and the Gospel. God will be the ultimate judge of all things; we can only discuss and guide as He has provided us to do so in His Word.
Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray that You guide us as we walk through Your Word. Open our hearts and minds to what You have to teach us. Help us to love everyone as Your Son Jesus Christ has called us to do. Strengthen us to be able to proclaim Your truth. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Hook: 10 minutes
What are some things that people say they are born with today that Christianity might argue as still sinful? (i.e., homosexuality, tendency toward alcoholism, etc.)
Do you think that people really are born with these things? If so, does it make them acceptable?
How do you think God views these issues and why?
Book/Look: 45 minutes
Say: God’s Word is our only true source of wisdom and understanding. For that reason, it is important to turn to some key passages concerning how God created and redeemed us to be in His Son Jesus Christ.
Old Testament
Genesis 1
Read the entire chapter, or look at key verses. What’s important to realize through this chapter is that everything God created was “good,” including man and woman.
Define “good” as it is used here. Good means that it is pleasing to God and that it conforms to His will and purpose. Good is something only God can create.
Also important, everything was good. There was no sin in the world.
Genesis 2:19-25
What does this passage say about God’s creation of man and woman?
God created man and woman to live together, to be united and to serve certain roles within creation, as a couple. This relationship was still good.
In Genesis 3 we have the fall of mankind and all creation. Sin entered the world. If your group is unfamiliar with this story, it is important to read through it. If this is a very familiar passage, just review it.
Psalms- Find several psalms that discuss how God has created mankind, or how God loves mankind and protects him, guides him and even redeems him.
It is important to understand that even in a fallen and sinful world, God does not excuse our sin. Instead, He promises to redeem us of our sin, to wash us clean.
 Isaiah 43:14-25
What is God doing in this passage?
God laments that the sin of Israel is a burden to Him and He must redeem Israel, must make something new.
Isaiah 53:4-12
What is God’s plan for dealing with sin in the world?
The promised Servant will redeem the people of God from their sin by His suffering and death.
Throughout the Old Testament, it is understood that God would have to redeem His people from their sinfulness. God never approved of sinful living. He did not say forget about it. He promised to send the Messiah to redeem the people from their sinfulness–even those sins that had become so common they seemed normal.
New Testament
Matthew 7:1-5
How does this passage touch on the issue of “being born a certain way”?
Jesus told His listeners there is not a single person born without sin. For that reason, all are in need of redemption. This passage levels the playing field in a sense, because no sin is less than or greater than another.
 Romans 3:9-31
Because all are sinful and need of God’s grace and mercy, does it matter whether one is “born that way” if it goes against God’s command and design?
Paul reminds his readers, and us, that all are sinful; their very nature is sinful and in need of God’s salvation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. It does not matter whether the sin is one of choice, or a symptom of our sinful nature. It is all in need of God’s salvation through Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:1-17
How does this new life stand in contrast to the way the world operates?
What if somebody is not Christian but is compassionate, kind, etc.? Do they still need salvation through Christ Jesus? Why?
Here, Paul reminds his readers that now that they have been redeemed in Christ Jesus, they are to live a new life, a life according to God’s Word.
Romans 6:1-11
In our Baptism, how does God’s Word and God’s design take what is sinful and make it new and righteous?
The old, sinful self is put to death. In Christ’s life, we are brought to a new life, a life that follows and obeys God’s law. It is not a life living according to the ways of the world but instead is according to how God says we should live and be.
Does possibly being born with tendencies to homosexuality, alcoholism or other such issues excuse you from needing God’s salvation in Christ Jesus?
The answer, according to the passages listed above, should be a resounding NO. God is more than aware of the full affects of sin in this world. That is why He had to send His Son to die on the cross and be raised from the grave on Easter morning.
  Why would God let people be born sinful or in a way that goes against His Word?
Look at Isaiah 55. How does this passage answer this question?
Took: 10 minutes
So, what did you learn?
Does it matter if a person is born with (or acquires) tendencies towards what God’s Word calls sinful behavior? Are they still in need of God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness?
Everyone is born sinful, whether that is a possible genetic tendency towards such sins as homosexuality or alcoholism, or disobedience, selfishness, pride, etc. We are all in need of God’s grace and forgiveness, which is found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Any other questions or comments?
Closing Prayer
Published April 2013

Published April 19, 2013

About the author

Brian currently serves as Pastor of Family Life at Concordia in Conover, NC. It brings him great joy to see Christ working through the members of a family as they grow together and serve Him and His people, experiencing forgiveness and joy together, and helping other families do the same. He enjoys being outdoors, hiking, gardening, walking with his family, or sitting on their garden swing. There's always plenty to do in Christ's Kingdom, but its also fun to just sit back and try to take it all in.
View more from Brian

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