
Devotion: Why Me?

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
When you hear the expression “Why me?” what type of experience is the speaker typically going through at that moment? If I were to guess, more times than naught an event has taken place that is not very pleasant. Your car won’t start in the morning making you late for school, you are given a surprise quiz you hadn’t studied for, a glass is accidentally knocked over in the cafeteria spilling who knows what all over your clothes and the list goes on. And so in frustration, disappointment and maybe even sadness, you ask the question, “Why me?”
But stop for a moment. Have you ever thought of the question “Why me?” in the context of something positive? How did something this good, this exciting, this special happen to me? We have all of these wonderful blessings taking place in us, through us and all around us that we tend to miss or just take for granted. And if you’re not convinced, spend a moment reflecting on the cross and the empty tomb. The hope and salvation that comes through the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is for you. There is nothing you can ever do to earn it or deserve it, yet it has been given to you.
“Why me?” Because God loves His children, of which you are one.
God forgive me for losing sight so many times of what you have done and continue to do for me. Though I can’t even begin to grasp the vastness of your love, I thank you for taking my place and paying the price that I never could. May my life be more of a reflection of You. Amen.

Published January 2013

Published January 2, 2013

About the author

Bo Chapman, DCE, has been working in student ministry for the past 16 years and is currently serving as the Director of Student Ministries at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Macomb, MI. He is extremely thankful for God's blessing of a wonderful wife and two vibrant kids. He also loves the opportunity he has to be involved in the lives of students and parents on a regular basis. Most of all, Bo loves his Lord and Savior, and his desire is to both share and live out the love and truth of Jesus Christ each and every day.
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