Devotion: The Greatest News

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. (Acts 5:42)

Without a doubt, the good news of Jesus Christ is truly the best news that this world could ever hear. The price for our sins has been paid, salvation has come and the assurance of eternity with our Savior is our hope fulfilled.

All of this great news in our heart and our mind and so the questions become: what do we do with it, where do we begin and how do we get the word out?

Maybe for starters, we want to make sure we are taking the opportunity to be renewed through a time of faithful worship every week with our brothers and sister. Then, let’s make sure that we are engaged daily in God’s Word and that we are taking the time daily to converse with Him through our prayers. Next, let’s make sure that our words and actions are one and the same so when we encounter others they will see that our lives are a reflection of the truth and hope that we confess. And lastly, let’s make it a priority to be involved in the places where God is at work, to truly go into “all of the world” and serve the needs of others.

Through spiritual growth, serving the needs of others and being actively involved in your faith, there will be many opportunities to share the good news of Christ and to see our God at work. Go forward boldly today my friends. You truly have the greatest news in the world to share.

Thank you Jesus for the daily reminder that I am Your child. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for saving my soul. May this great news be something that I faithfully live every day in my words and actions. Amen.

Published January 30, 2013

About the author

Bo Chapman, DCE, has been working in student ministry for the past 16 years and is currently serving as the Director of Student Ministries at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Macomb, MI. He is extremely thankful for God's blessing of a wonderful wife and two vibrant kids. He also loves the opportunity he has to be involved in the lives of students and parents on a regular basis. Most of all, Bo loves his Lord and Savior, and his desire is to both share and live out the love and truth of Jesus Christ each and every day.
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