
On Campus: Trust

On a Christian Campus

I can’t believe how fast last year went by. It seems like I was just a freshman, and now I’m a junior. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I don’t know if I’m ready for the fast-approaching “real world” yet.

This year has been so different from the last in so many ways. I’m starting to focus more on my major and my goals, and work on figuring out what I’m going to do with my life. With that focus has come a lot of serious decision-making. Many decisions are still up in the air. In the tough situations when I’ve had to think about my future, I’ve turned to God a lot. And I have to admit that I spent a lot of time this year questioning God. I became very frustrated at times when it seemed like He wasn’t listening to me or answering me. I often felt like I was talking to myself.

Through all of my impatience and frustration, I eventually came to realize that God was , of course, actually listening and directing me. He just wasn’t answering me in ways I always understood immediately, or as quickly as I was wanting. I’ve had to remember that God is not going to leave me to fend for myself, no matter how stressed out I get, or how confused I am about what to do.

Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

This year I’ve made new friends, and become a lot closer to some existing friends. I’ve discovered who I can rely on when I really need support, and that has been great. God has worked through so many people to help me get through things. I am extremely thankful for the people in my life who care about me and who push me to be the best person I can be.

I will continue to turn to God in my prayers when things aren’t going the way I think they should be, and also thanking Him when things do come through. I’m working on letting go of my human desire for instant answers, and trusting God to lead me the right way.

Contributed by K.M.

Published November 3, 2012

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