Devotion: Clean

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Have you ever been in a mud fight at the beach? What a scene! Gooey handfuls of wet sand are flung through the air. They stick to your skin, and everyone is transformed into mud monsters.

Then comes the plunge into the surf! The waves roll across you, and the salty cool water washes away the grit. When you swim back to the shore and walk along the wet sand again, you are cleaner, but there are still grains of sand hiding in your hair, ears, and…uh…other places.

A hot shower takes care of that ! Scrub-a-dub. The residual grit swirls down the drain. You step out of the shower refreshed. You feel like you are a new person on the outside…and on the inside, too!

That’s partially true. Your outside self is cleaner, but no matter how much you scrub your skin, you are still the same person in your innermost being. Your troubles are sticking to your soul like mud and grit. You could take a million showers, but it’s impossible to scrub the spirit clean.

Only Jesus can make a person new on the inside.

Have you made a decision that you regretted? Maybe you knew that it was against God’s will. Maybe you believe that no one…not even God…could forgive you.

Maybe you had an abortion. Maybe you encouraged someone to have an abortion.

Go to Jesus. Let Him wash away your soul’s grit. You will be comforted, and you will be forgiven. He will hold you against His chest. You will hear his Heartbeat. He will make you new…on the inside.

YOUR PRAYER: Dear Lord, I feel like I am stuck in mud. No matter how I struggle I can’t out rid of it. It weighs me down. I’ve done things that I know were wrong. It makes me feel so dirty. I want to be clean. Jesus, forgive me for what I have done. Make me new.

A SONG FOR YOU: New Creation by Leeland

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