
Family Night: Joseph’s Family Scavenger Hunt

This scavenger hunt and Bible study is a great activity for the whole family.

Topics: Family, Forgiveness

Arrival at Church and Explanation of the Evening (10 min.)

When the families arrive at the church for the event, you may say:

We will be going on a Scavenger Hunt. Each family will be a team. If you did not come with family, you can join a family, and if we need to, we will create another team, since we are part of the family of believers. There are five spots which you need to visit. The five spots take us through the life of Joseph and his brothers in the book of Genesis. Starting here, you will receive an envelope with a Bible reading from Genesis, the address of the place for the task to be completed, the description of the task to be completed and the name of the church member who has the next envelope. Each additional envelope will contain the information for the next place. You will need a camera, Bible and $5. You may take any route to the address listed. You must obey all traffic laws.

After the Scavenger Hunt we will come back here for some ice cream sundaes and reflection questions. If you do not get to all of the places, you will need to be back when the 60 minutes are up so we have time for the ice cream sundaes and questions.

There will be church members located at each site to give you an envelope which contains the next set of directions. Here is your first envelope.

Scavenger Hunt (60 min.)
The Leader will want to travel the route ahead of time so you know it can be accomplished within one hour. Make sure the church members at each site are people who everyone else will know.

Envelope 1: Read Genesis 37:1-11

Task to be completed: Go into a department store and take a picture of someone in the group wearing the most colorful or expensive coat you find.

This is because Joseph was given a richly ornamented coat by his father Jacob.

Church Member with the next clue:
The next address is:

Envelope 2: Read Genesis 37:12-36

Task to be completed: Take a personal item (large or small), go to the address listed and trade it for something else. Try to get the best thing in exchange for your item. The home you are going to is someone who has agreed to be involved in this activity. This is because Joseph was sold to the Midianite merchants.

Church Member with the next clue:
The next address is:

Envelope 3: Read Genesis 39:20-23, 40:1-5

Task to be completed: Take a picture in front of the county courthouse, police station or city jail. This is because Joseph was in prison in Egypt, a time when he interpreted the dreams of the Cupbearer and the Baker.

Church Member with the next clue:
The next address is:

Envelope 4: Read Genesis 42:25-43:2

Task to be completed: Go and Buy Grain. You may arrange it with a local farmer for teams to bring back grain from their farm or you may buy grain from a grocery store.

 – You have the opportunity to give someone a U-turn by placing the cup in one of their envelopes.

– This is because Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt for food. The U-Turn is for Joseph putting the silver cup in one of his brother’s grain sacks and the brothers having to go back to Egypt.

Church Member with the next clue:
The next address is:

U-turn: Task to be completed: Go to this member’s house to pick up the toppings for the ice cream sundaes.

Only one team is able to receive a u-turn. It may be given out by teams who reach the spot first. After a team completes the u-turn, they go to the church for a family picture.

Envelope 5: Read Genesis 46:8-27, Genesis 47:1-12

Task to be completed: Return back to church and take a family picture in the front of church. Then go to the basement and enjoy ice cream sundaes.

This is for Joseph’s family moving to Egypt and living together as a family.

Ice Cream Sundaes & Reflection Questions (20 min.)

Reflection Questions:

(Pick a few questions you would like to ask in small or large groups.)

  1. How was it going from place to place as a family?
  2. Who gave the directions and who was quiet?
  3. What do you think Joseph’s family dynamics were like?
  4. How would you have responded if Joseph was your brother and if Jacob was your dad?
  5. How similar or different is your family than Joseph’s?
  6. How well do you get along with your family? Why?
  7. What do you like about your siblings and parents?
  8. Pick a family member in the Bible story who you are most and least like.
  9. How did God take care of His people in the Bible story?
  10. How does God take care of you in your family?
  11. What are some reasons God has placed you together as a family?
  12. How would your family look different if you did or did not forgive?
  13. If Joseph would not have forgiven his brothers, how do you think the story would have ended?
  14. Why was Joseph able to show forgiveness to his brothers?
  15. Jesus daily forgives our sins. His death and resurrection give us forgiveness and is the only way to heaven. How does Jesus’ forgiveness change your life?
  16. Who is behind our forgiveness to others?
  17. Why is forgiveness so important in our life?

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