
Game: My Turn

Youth groups seem to invariably, at some point or points in their life, be in a position where they will need of monies for some activities or upcoming events. When they encounter this moment, they have many options, including:
A). Finding a cheaper option (do we really need to use paintballs that glow in the dark?)
B). Asking parents/guardians to front the needed cash
C). Dine and Dash (followed by a field trip to local police station)
D). Setting up a fund-raiser, asking church, community and family members to help defer the costs.
The game ideas this month will consist of interactive, game-like fund-raising ideas. I will include implications of how to set it up, as well as variations. As always, customize these to fit the needs and resources of your group.
If your group is all set in areas of funding, each of these ideas have community building, non-fund-raising, game-oriented implications.

Type/Purpose: Board/Card Game, Fundraising Game

This would be an ideal easy fundraiser for a church wide or community expo. Set up one or more board games, chess boards, checker boards, etc. Have members from the group play a few turns to get the game going, then offer other members from the event to play on a pay-per-turn basis.

Example: set up UNO and charge $0.25 a turn, or start a chess board and charge $0.50 a move

Extra Ideas:

  • Offer a package deal ($0.25 for 1 turn or $1.00 for 5)
  • Consider a longer game (Risk, Settlers of Catan, etc.)

Published April 19, 2012

About the author

Sean Cramer graduated as a DCE from Concordia University, River Forest and served as a Program Assistant/Associate at Camp Lone Star in La Grange, TX. After moving back to his hometown near Rockford, IL, Sean currently works with Developmentally Disabled individuals. Aside from awaiting a Call in professional ministry again, Sean enjoys volunteering, reading, playing games, exercising and observing his dog be absolutely resistant to any new tricks.
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