Bible Study: Gifted

I had a teacher in high school who taught me something about myself. I learned at her encouraging that I could speak in front of a large group and not melt down, freeze up or put everybody to sleep. I cherish that teacher still today. In these studies you have an opportunity to make that sort of difference in a young persons life.

The studies that follow encourage young people to identify with a few spiritual gifts from a list of 15. Of course, the list could have been a lot longer. Some lists of spiritual gifts include such abilities as craftsmanship and music. Others include the early church gifts of healing, miracles, tongues and inspiration.

These studies, however, focus on 15 gifts that have clear application to specific ministries in the church. These are gifts in the strict sense of that word (charismata in Greek), identified clearly as gifts, not talents or abilities, in the New Testament.

Its important to remember that a list of spiritual gifts is perhaps never complete because the Holy Spirit graces and gifts His people as He chooses, not as our lists determine. Its also important to emphasize that spiritual gifts discovery and use is a lifetime journey and process. But what a journey!

Have fun with the study. Make it a celebration of gifts and of ministry within your group and congregation.

Download a PDF of the Bible Study: Gifted to use with your group.


Published November 9, 2011

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