
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: Ready for Some Football!

Are you ready for some football?
Yes, it’s that time of year…football season! As a big football fan, I have been waiting for months and months for this time of the year, and now, it is here! The reason I bring football season up in this forum is that, whether you are a big fan, a small fan, or not a fan at all, you can incorporate a little football into your ministry.
As a junior and senior high youth director, I like to invite the youth groups over to my house for a game. God has blessed me with a big house and a big TV so I like to share that with my kids once a year. But, if you don’t want them at your house, let me suggest having a football party at the church or a at a church member’s home who wouldn’t mind having some energetic teenagers over for a few hours. It really doesn’t matter the venue, what matters is you giving your kids a chance to get together and have some fun! Look on the Internet or ask some friends about games you can play incorporating the football game into your event. Hold your own commercial breaks with games or Bible trivia contests. Hold your own half time show with a short devotion or a concert (some praise songs). Certainly this idea would be great for the Super Bowl, but any game could be great for getting together. This is a great time to connect with your kids and also invite their friends as they can cheer for (or against) the local pro or college teams.
Another way to connect to your youth using the game of football as a ministry tool is to create a youth group pool or fantasy pool for NFL or NCAA football. Certainly we are not advocating gambling–so no money involved, please. But, you could play for prizes that include candy or ice cream or something that the winners would love to have. You could also have your pool’s own Super Bowl party where you award the “championship trophy.”
One more simple way for you to connect with your kids is to simply go out to the local games. You would be a great support system to your kids who are playing on teams, but even if you don’t have any football players in your group, you could still build relationships by attending some games. Whether you attend with some youth or not, they will see you out in their world and they will notice that you intentionally came out for their school!
So…are you ready for some football…and some great ministry opportunities?
Blessings to you as you continue to serve, love, and praise the Lord!
Published September 2011

Published September 13, 2011

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