
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: Love Your Seniors!

I would like to really encourage you to love up on the seniors in your congregation. No, not the senior citizens, but the seniors in high school! Many of these students have been in your congregations all of their lives. Others have been members for a while and yet others have barely been there at all. No matter how long or how short of time they have spent in your church, it’s time to show them some love!

A very popular way we have chosen to bless our senior youth in our church is with senior quilts. All year, quilters are busy making these special custom quilts. The quilts are made for each senior and on them is their name, the theme of the year, their birthday and Baptism birthday as well as their Confirmation verse. Then, the quilts are presented to them in worship services on Mother’s Day weekend.
Thursday evening before the Sunday worship service, we invite the youth and their parents to the church for a dinner. At the dinner, we pray for the youth and give them a message about staying strong in the faith wherever the Lord leads them in the coming years. This is also the time where we practice the quilt ceremony that will happen in the worship service that Sunday.
This ceremony is one of the biggest highlights of the year for parents. Most times, there aren’t too many parents who aren’t crying, as well as many parents crying who aren’t even participating in the ceremony! It is such a great way to honor not only the students, but also to honor the parents for keeping the promises they made during their child’s Baptism.
Whether it is a quilt ceremony, a dinner, or something different, I encourage you to find creative ways to love on your seniors and their parents. They are special people going through a special time in their lives, so go out of your way to do something special for them!
May God bless you as we continue Servin’ Lovin’ and Praisin’ Him!
Published May 2011

Published May 17, 2011

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