
Do You Believe? A Litany for Youth

In The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, June is designated as Youth Ministry month. Congregations are encouraged to designate one Sunday in the month as Youth Ministry Sunday. Here is a litany that your church can use on that Sunday. It is really a confession of faith based on the Apostles’ Creed, written by Dr. Terry Dittmer, Director of LCMS Youth Ministry. The litany connects to the theme for the 2010 National Youth Gathering, “WE BELIEVE.”

There is a definite rhythm to the words and a rhyming pattern. It could be called almost an antiphonal rap. The original piece was written as a song and copyrighted in 1986 by Terry Dittmer. Be sure to include the copyright notice at the end of the litany with any copies you may make. Music is available through the LCMS Youth Ministry Office. Call 1-800-248-1930, ext. 1155 or email Provide your snail mail address and we’ll put a copy of the music in the mail.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes, we believe that there’s a God of hope and love.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes we believe in the great Triune God above.


Left Side:          Oh, it was God who made the earth, mountains high and ocean surf;

Right Side:        All the animals and birds and fishes in the sea.

Left Side:          And when He finished with the zoo, He made man and woman too.

Right Side:        Then He looked at what He made. “It’s good,” the Lord decreed.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes, we believe that there’s a God of hope and love.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes we believe in the great Triune God above.
Men:                And we believe in Jesus Christ. It was He who paid the price

Women:           When He suffered and was nailed upon the cross to die.

Men:                Though He was God, as man was born and He rose on Easter morn.

Women:           And He reigns as King forever on His throne on high.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes, we believe that there’s a God of hope and love.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes we believe in the great Triune God above.


Left Side:         And it’s the Spirit’s job to claim; each of us He calls by name.

Right Side:       In the water and the Word, we are God’s family.

Left Side:         Now, it’s our future destiny to live with God eternally;

Right Side:       Singing joyfully with all the church community.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes, we believe that there’s a God of hope and love.


Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe

Leader:            Do you believe?

ALL:                 Yes, we believe
                       Yes we believe in the great Triune God above.


“Do You Believe.” Words (and music) by Terry K. Dittmer. Copyright © 1986 and 2010 by the author. Used with permission.


Published May 2010

Published May 7, 2010

About the author

As the Director of LCMS Youth Ministry, Terry Dittmer seeks to advocate for young people and to empower young people to be God’s people in the world and to empower people to “confess” their faith in celebratory and expressive ways. Terry and his wife, Cherie, have five adult children.
View more from Terry

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